Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All My Exes

It's that time, you guys.  I'm leaving tomorrow at 3:30 in the morning for the National Art Education Association Conference.  Yes, I said morning.  Lets just say that I won't be going to sleep tonight.  I hoping that I can keep up with blogging while I am there but I can't guarantee it.  There will be lots of lesson plans and free stuff.  I love free stuff. 

Last year's conference was held in New York City.  Of course it was amazing.  I was able to experience most of the city's best sites.  I absorbed the MoMA.  I got lost in the Met.  No really.  That wasn't a metaphor.  I got really really lost. 

I'm excited to learn new stuff, bond with my fellow art educators, and get the heck out of college town for a bit.  I hope Fort Worth is just as refreshing as last year's trip.  I'm sure it will be.

Lets take a trip down memory lane and experience last year's conference all over again.

Last day to sign up for my swap.

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